Tuesday, July 28, 2009

24 Hr. Productions

CoHo Productions Endless Summer
August 2, 2009


We will lock 30 actors and four writers in the CoHo Theater for 24 hours to cast, direct, and perform four original one-act plays. This intense, creative collaboration will bring together 34 strangers through a completely random selection process to complete a play under the most demanding of circumstances.


Anonymous said...

Is this full tech too, or just the plays performed under basic lights?

followspot said...

I believe it has very, very modest tech - some lights and sound, but certainly not full.

Anonymous said...

TL;DR version: The 24s have as full a tech as time allows.

MORE INFO: This means as many costume pieces, sets, and props as can be gathered and/or created in the 24 hour time period. There is a full sound design and lighting design. We build upon the house rep plot to include specials, washes, effects, etc. and program an entire show's worth of cues. Each piece within the show (typically about 4 one-acts in each show) gets an hour to rehearse in the space and discuss cues/tech needs, followed by a 15 minute cue-to-cue and finally 30 minutes for a full dress rehearsal before the performance. It's exhillerating to see the level of creativity and ingenuity produced on such time constraints.

Technical elements can greatly enhance and punctuate the themes, mood, and look of any show and I personally treat the 24s as I would any fully produced, designed, and teched production. I aim for the highest level of design, proficiency and creativity when creating the lighting for the 24s and our sound designer shares the same philosophy, drive, and commitment to quality and creativity. I find it is a wonderful opportunity to use and see what my most intuitive responses to a theatrical work produce on stage as designer and technician. There's no time to over-think a design or concept; just react to a piece, design it and implement it. It's very exciting and gratifying as designer.

-Emily Stadulis, "24 Hr. Productions" Technical Director, Stage Manager, and Lighting Designer.