Sunday, May 14, 2006

By the Bog of Cats

CoHo Productions
May 13, 2006; closes June 10, 2006

Is it the obvious script that’s heavy-handed, or simply the barrage of nonstop accent? More conscious of Medea myth relocation than sympathetic of where story was going or its consequences. Nevertheless, some of Vana O’Brien’s best work recently; Gracie Starr is simply gifted. Also notable: Peter Lockhart’s palpable sound design.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, a hard play to like. Other than the mother(-in-law) played by Vana, and the wedding party, it's pretty unrelieved dreariness. Lear without either the majesty of the characters or the supreme absurdity of some of the language and situations. And what the heck was the playwright or the director thinking not to have the young daughter even NOTICE that her home was going up in flames with bound animals inside? The brief scene late in the show between the young bride and the protagonista was a fine and delicate bit. Fairly strong acting all around in this production, though, for which one is grateful. -- Quixel