Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Farewell, Sylvia?

Sylvia’s Class Act Dinner Theatre
July 26, 2005

Voice on answering machine: “Thank you for calling Sylvia’s. We regret to inform you that we have closed our doors and we will not be reopening now at this time. So we will contact individuals by mail and we will not be returning your call at this time. Thank you.”


Anonymous said...

Wow. Sad and wow.

Anonymous said...

Ran into the restaurant guy (well okay, listened in on a conversation) at a dog park; the phrase "restaurant was bleeding like a stuck pig" was used. They were 2 months away from 20 years open...bummer.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the fun theatre. You will be missed.

Charles Deemer said...

Too bad. That leaves only ART left from what some of us (fewer all the time!) consider Portland's "Golden Age" of theater in the 1980s.

Anonymous said...

There is a Sylvia blurb on the front page of the Business section in today's Oregonian. It seems the laid-off actors/musicians are trying to claim lost wages. Good Luck! I tried to get my money back at Sylvia's after seeing the last show, and it took quite a while...