Sunday, December 19, 2004

Intermission, Or Who’s In the Audience?

December 19, 2004

Six months, 62 shows into the season. Site traffic has grown. Reviews are being quoted. Last Friday, FollowSpot made the list of “intriguing Oregon blogs” published by OPB’s “Orgeon Territory.” During this holiday hiatus, tell me: who are you, dear reader, and what do you think of Portland’s theater scene?


Anonymous said...

We'll tell you our names when you tell us yours, oh Phantom Blogger.
signed, a dear reader.
PS - Portland Theater, though far from perfect, is much better than the largest city in a state that supports it's theater/arts so poorly actually deserves. Last I checked, Oregon is still dead last in funding for the arts. Good luck to the folks at the Oregon Cultural Trust. They'll need it.

followspot said...

I don’t know that I agree with your judgment, but I appreciate your sentiment. Arts rarely receive adequate funding, especially given their enormous return on the dollar. Still, Portland theater flourishes — proving that money isn’t everything. (And kudos to you, dear reader, for crafting your P.S. in precisely 50 words.)