Monday, April 13, 2009

A Flea in Her Ear

Lakewood Theatre Co. **Photo credit: Lake Oswego Photographers**
March 13 - April 19, 2009

Review by peanutduck

Another mishmash of intention and clarity in month’s spate of directorial flops. Staging reckless, out of control, as if sole direction were ‘Run around shrieking (but don’t fall down the stairs)’; many performances uncommitted. Incompletely painted flat glared SL. Ben Plont’s hair, like demonic wings, welcome comic relief. Wasted time.

1 comment:

B said...

Au contraire.

"Run around screaming..." - this is a farce after all.

And an almost perfect example of a farce it was. I saw fully committed performances, especially from Plont, Hermanson, Parker (in BOTH roles) and Rea. Wish Teresa Lawrence had more to do. The chaos was extremely well choreographed. The complicated plot was easy to follow, and the set was gorgeous. They must have fixed that flat.

I agree that Lakewood has been a bit hit (You Can't Take It With You) and miss (Three Musketeers, Prometheus) lately. But this one is definitely worth seeing.