Northwest Classical Theatre
March 9 - 30, 2008
Review by peanutduck
In the wrong hands, Krapp’s Last Tape could merely depress; however, Shaw, complemented by Erickson’s direction, presents a befuddled, startling, baboon-like man who still delights in the now (“spoooool!”) and bittersweet once-was. Chosen O’Neill plays are among his weaker, and performances lack connection with the characters, place, situation (exception: Whitney).
I would be remiss if I didn't mention that between the time that the 1st press release went out and now, we have added another one-act (for a total of 3) - BEFORE BREAKFAST by Eugene O'Neill. I'd try to describe it in 50 words but why bother. Just know you should check it out 'cause Allison Anderson is AWESOME!
I second that, Grant!
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