March 7 - April 13, 2008
In this musical adaptation of the popular film, times are tough in Buffalo, NY for a group of unemployed steelworkers. To add insult to injury, a group of professional male stripteasers are stealing their thunder. In a desperate move, these ordinary guys decide to band together and stage a show
Leif Norby is a naked theatrical god!
please people...Leif Norby is a the most overrated performer in PDX..and is responsible for writing most of his own press..
Dear anonymous 8:56,
Your comment is cruel and unnecessary. Mr. Norby is a dear and talented man, completely sans ego. He deserves recognition for always performing with integrity, heart, and honesty. Rock on Leif. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing the cast of Full Monty strut their stuff.
Melissa Whitney
Melissa Whitney
Leif Norby is, without question, one of the most gifted, unique, and skilled actors in town. And his tremendous talent is dwarfed only by his presence off-stage, which is as sincere as one could hope to find in another person. Your comment, Anonymous 8:56, is at the very least completely without merit; to the best of my knowledge Leif Norby is not a contributing writer to any of the local daily or weekly publications and I would love to see any evidence that "most of his own press" is in fact generated by him.
--Kenichi Hillis
Hmmm. Wouldn't Norby have to be a staff reviewer at the Oregonian or Willamette Week to write his own press? Interesting how all the people with actual identities admire him and his work...
All I know is, when I see that Norby is in a show - I go buy a ticket. And I'm always glad I did. I already got my ticket to Monty... and as usual, I am not alone!
So, I totally didn't mean to sign my name twice. But maybe we all knew that already ;-)
Dear Anonymous 8:56,
Obviously you have never worked with Leif. I don't even live in Portland anymore but check this blog now and again to check in on the scene. You couldn't be more wrong about Leif. He is not only one of the most talented performers I have ever worked with, but also one of the most humble. His work speaks for itself and if you have had the privilege of working with him first hand, you would know that Leif is nothing but hard-working, selfless, and devoted to his craft. If anything, he is underrated. I wish the cast of Full Monty nothing but joy, because it was an absolute joy to share the stage with them in 2006.
-Courtney Joy Freed
I agree with Melissa. I have not had the privilege of working with Mr. Norby, but in my few encounters with him, I have found him gracious, generous, and humble. Onstage, he has never been less than wonderful, and if Third Rail deigned to cast him in a show, I would have to assume they think so too. In a way, over-the-top, content-less praise like the first post in this thread is just as pointless -- and even hurtful -- as the condescending, mendacious abuse of the second. Neither does anyone any good. Let's try to be a little more grownup, shall we?
- David Loftus
Dear anonymous 8:56,
Do you know first hand if Leif Norby is responsible for writing most of his own press? Do you know Leif? I'm guessing that you heard from someone somewhere that he writes his own press. I'd also guess that you don't know Leif personally, because if you did know Leif you would know that statement has no merit and is an insult to Leif and his art. Yes I do know Leif, I count him as one of my friends. I've even had the opportunity to work with him last winter. He is of the most humble and sincere people you would ever meet. It's one thing to critically analyze a performance of an actor or show but to lie about someone is pathetic.
Leif and the rest of the Full Monty cast, break legs!
Leif is one of the most humble and hard working performers I have ever worked with, and I have only ever seen him embarassed by and uncomfortable with comments such as the one made by Anon 3/13/2008 03:04:00. If he were responsible for his own press it would be very different I can assure you.
I always look forward to working with Leif and seeing him perform, and his presence in in a cast has lured me to see shows I would not ordinarily seek out.
man I wish I was Leif
Like I said,
Leif Norby is a naked theatrical god!
I, too, would like to echo the supportive statements about Leif. I have had the good fortune to work with him numerous times and have found him to be generous, talented, fun, and without ego. I would gladly work with him again.
Todd Hermanson
Leif took my money.
I once saw Leif walk across a lake to heal an injured swan – he is love.
Leif gave me that money when I was homeless. Along with a swan.
-Jill Westerby
I frakkin' love theater people!
Leif is gold.
anyone who thinks leif writes his own press obviously has never met him. i've never known a more humble person in the entire portland theatre scene.
I wouldn't have a kidney if it wasn't for Leif Norby.
luv ya bruvva
I agree that Leif is gold -- he's been a favorite of mine for years. That said, there are a few other notable actors in The Full Monty, so I also want to send compliments to Jim Caputo, Stanley Perryman, Jennifer Auer and Pam Mahon. Their work in the show just shines. Not to mention Joe Theissen, making potentially forgettable roles very, very memorable -- great work! Overall, I loved this show. Definitely worth seeing!
Leif is everything his good press promises - on stage and off.
I heart him.
Joe Theissen
P.S. His hit points did stun my forest elf once, but we've worked it out.
hey there - anyone have a comment about the show? should one trek to Lake O? btw - also think Leif is a nice guy; never worked with him, just spoke with him a couple of times about theatre :) Cheers!
LOVED this show. Well worth the trip...you will be talking about the show for some time to come. Even though I anticipated the ending....I was really very surprised...pleasantly! Wonderful. We have been Lakewood subscribers for years and this is the most fun we have ever had at a production there. People of all ages were hysterical....all smiles. When I think about it I still smile. The entire cast are naked theatrical gods!
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