Stumptown Stages
March 7 - April 5, 2008
Review by peanutduck
The looming question: Can Stumptown pull this off?
Dreamgirls immediately grabs the heart and holds on. Fantastically cast; vocals are stunning. Johnson-Weiss (Effie) is soul-wrenchingly beautiful and true; Blackmon (Jimmy) charms as he grooves and glides across the stage. An enchanting, enrapturing two hours, and definitely worthy of notice.
Featuring Alapai, Coleman and Johnson
The Law firm?
It should have said:
Featuring Lava Alapai, Joann Coleman, and Julianne Johnson as the "Dreams" Not sure why it got cut down like that.
There is a 50 word limit for summaries. If you don't send in a 50-word summary, then I have to edit your info myself, and sometimes odd things happen.
Tonight is the Openeing Night!!!! Excited!!!!!! SOLD OUT Audience!
The show was absolutly amazing!!!!!! The cast worked extremly hard and it has paid off! Truly a must see for Portland!!!!! Julianne Johnson fantastic as Effie White!!!!! Jennifer Hudson has nothing on here!!!!!!! What a fantasic show to have been able to see!
The character's name is Effie; the actor's name is Blackmon.
Thanks! Corrected.
Thank you very much for the kind words. Considering the almost-surreal amount of work and dedication that went into it, it's good to know it paid off for the most important people: our audience. :)
- g
Wow! What show did you all watch? Yes, Joanne's voice is incredible, but her acting was not even subpar. Not to mention the acting from Deena.
The only reason to see the show was for Joannes voice, and even then, I would have rather just listened to her on cd, and forgotten about the "performance."
For clarity sake - Joanne played Deena. Which show did you watch?
No, Joanne play Effie. Get it straight.
Julianne played Effie, Joanne played Deena - sorry to correct you, but it's true.
Travis Patterson said....
I was in the cast an Joanne was Deena, Julianne was Effie, and to keep confusing at bay still Lava was Lorelle.
I had a blast working with this cast and creww and break legs at Jefferson this coming weekend!!!!
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